Embedded Network Conversions within your Strata Complex – The things you need to know

An embedded network is the smaller metering network within a building or complex with multiple lots, monitoring electricity, gas and water usage by individual lots. In the last few years, embedded networks are commonly found in strata buildings, commercial buildings, retirement villages and even caravan parks, to name a few.

But first, let’s get into the details:

In simple words, an embedded electricity network is a private distribution system within a strata scheme or a lot that is connected to the main electricity network (your Western Power Master Meter). To carry out distribution, selling and/or generation within the embedded network.

The most common scenario of an embedded network within a strata is:

The owners’ corporation is the owner of the embedded network infrastructure and is the embedded network service provider, the embedded network customers being the lot owners and tenants in the scheme.

Did you know? Occupiers consuming energy within your strata asset can actually make your body corporate money if you’re operating under an embedded network. Your energy usage should be putting money back into your sinking fund and supporting your 10-year maintenance plan for the benefit of all owners.

Converting from a multi-master electricity metering system to a privately-owned embedded network has multiple benefits. During any redevelopment project, retrofit, or upgrade of a property’s electrical infrastructure, Energy-Tec undertake a pivotal role in calculating utility cost allocation and revenue recovery.

A key benefit of operating a strata complex within an embedded network is the opportunity to purchase electricity at a lower cost.  In Western Australia, assets which consume more than 50 Megawatts of electricity per annum can choose their own electricity retailer within most of WA – this means as a residential complex operating within an embedded network, you can go to a range of retailers in a competitive market. This means a cheaper buy price and the ability to choose your provider.

Energy-Tec’s presence and reputation in the market means that we can assist you to secure the best electricity buy price from the retail energy market. Our procurement process has saved our clients thousands on annual electricity costs. Find out how to take advantage of this on an annual basis and see the savings.

Now is the time to find out how innovation can drive both energy savings and profitability with the right energy purchasing structure.

Energy-Tec’s core services of sub-meter reading and billing have been enhanced to further support our strata clients and their in-house strata management software platforms. We provide customised reports suited for direct integration with templates available to suite a wide variety of software.

We assist our clients to minimise critical unmetered losses during the construction, handover, commissioning, and contract phases. Our goal is to facilitate a seamless transition from a utility cost recovery and revenue perspective.

Interested in seeing the savings and converting your complex to operate within an embedded network? Get in touch with Energy-Tec today for a no obligation discussion!

P: 08 9309 0000 

E: service@energy-tec.com.au 

The information contained in this article is general information only and not legal advice. The currency, accuracy and completeness of this article (and its contents) should be checked by obtaining independent legal advice before you take any action or otherwise rely upon its contents in any way.